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Substation construction project

Customers who are in need of installing substations, or underground cables line not up to 35KV and wondering whether to go to the company

Traffic power station maintenance

In order for the transformer to operate safely and stably, it does not only depend on the fabrication, installation and production of the machine.

Process of repairing power station works

Substations are one of the important elements of the power supply system which is an indispensable item for industrial parks

Use of industrial power station

Substations are one of the important elements of the power supply system which is an indispensable item for industrial parks

Transformer installation quotes

Transformers have a huge role to play in the energy control system of buildings.

How to maintain and repair a substation

Damaged transformers can cause a lot of harm to users as well as the surrounding environment.

Comparison of turbocharged and low pressure transformers

Along with the application of technology and advances in the field of transformer design and construction, it is possible to build machines.

Civil power works

In order to build a civil power building in the house, it is necessary to follow a certain principle to ensure the aesthetics as well as safety of your own home.

1 phase transformer maintenance process so that it is correct

A single-phase transformer is an expensive and important part of any machine system.

Installation of Street Lights Power Station

Installation of street lamp power stations to serve the needs of electricity distribution to equipment used for street lighting

Substation installation services

Chung Nam - The service provider of construction and installation of quality substations.

Installation of factory power system

The factory power system is an important system for businesses.


Transformer installation is one of Chung Nam's best services

How to choose the right substation for your needs?

The most important thing you need to know about the substation is that it only works when the capacity is 60% to 80% of the prescribed capacity of the machine, so right now you